Platinum Dunes has done it’s fair share of damage. It crapped out a terrible ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ not long after stumbling through a reboot of ‘Friday the 13th’, and the studio has been taking popular iconic memories from our childhood and churning out horrendous movies with them.
So, eventually, their work has to be done, right?
Thankfully, mercy has been granted as the company founded by Michael Bay, Andrew Form and Brad Fuller has proclaimed that they are out of the reboot business.
Thank God!
“We’ve rebooted enough,” Fuller said, in an interview with CinePOP. “We’ve done all of our [rebooted] horror movies. We’re not going to be doing that anymore.”
“For us, as a company, we’re always looking for original material” Form added. “And the idea of finding something original was important for us. We made a film where there’s two to three minutes of talking in the movie, where sound is a full character, and it feels like audiences are really responding to those ingredients.”
Their track record with original films is much better than it is with their reboots. The Purge franchise is one example, and A Quiet Place is proving to be another, with the film generating more than $50M domestically over the past wekeend.