Filmmaker Michael Matteo Rossi is working on a new crime/action/thriller flick called ‘Chase’, one that he says has a dark underground crime horror feel to it that will remind viewers of films such as Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet, and with a talented cast, Rossi is hoping to deliver a memorable movie.
“Growing up I always loved a mix of action and crime films and wanted to incorporate a smart sleek story in the same vein of “The Professional” and “John Wick” and “Drive” where the audience really cares about the character but we also have some great stylistic action set pieces” Rossi told me about the film.
“Chase is a cold calculated hitman who’s best friend and mentor Miles, looks at him like a golden racehorse” Rossi explained. “Things start to strain between the two once Chase’s girlfriend Blair begins to try to form a wedge and have Chase distance himself from Miles, who she sees just as a user Miles, being extremely cold himself, concocts a plan to keep Chase in line, but this results in absolute chaos for all the parties.”
The film boasts a solid cast, including popular Nigerian actress Oghenekaro Itene, among others notable talents.
“50 percent of directing is casting so I knew I had to take careful consideration in every role and the most difficult was casting the young child actor but we have a great one in Eli [Eli Michael Kaplan]” Rossi explains. “The rest have been brilliant as well. The best part is the overall team atmosphere and positivity and I love working with all my actors on set. The most stressful just like with all indie production is something last minute things that happen that make it a little stressful on us but it’s been going great so far” Rossi says.
You can see exclusive screen shots from the film in the gallery below and Fright Nerd will be releasing an exclusive trailer in the near future. Stay tuned!