A few weeks back we talked about a new thriller on the way from director Michael Matteo Rossi called ‘Chase’, and we had a chance to sit down with one of the film’s stars to talk about the movie, along with what is in store for fans when the film finally drops.
The film is slated to arrive sometime in 2019 and will follow the journey as, “A hitman must prove his loyalty to his mentor and best friend, while his girlfriend wants to leave the business behind them.”
“Michael [Rossi] sent me the script and after I read it I said to myself, “I have to play Blair”! I knew that I would have to audition and win the role” Morris told me regarding her first reaction to reading the script for Chase.
“But as I read it, I felt so emotionally connected to her and just felt that I needed to become this character. The script was very dynamic and the characters are interesting and multi faceted. I’m so happy that it worked out for me to be a part of it.”
Described as a thriller and crime horror story, Morris immediately felt a connection to the character Blair.
“I relate to her in the way that she loves so fiercely” Morris said.
“I understand loving and accepting someone fully, even someone who is seriously flawed or may seem unworthy of that type of devotion. She blindly loves and chooses to ignore certain things. I’m different from her in that I think she may be slightly tougher than me. Don’t get me wrong, I feel that I am an incredible strong woman in my own right, but I probably wouldn’t put myself in the line of fire as much as she does.”
Morris believes that fans will be in for an adrenaline rush of entertainment when the film finally arrives.
“Fans can expect a great deal of thrilling action, a lot of heart and some really cool, edgy lighting and cinematography, from what I have seen so far.”
Morris has been in her fair share of thrillers and horror movies, and although horror isn’t her first choice, she has grown an appreciation for the genre over time.
“I have acted in many horror and thriller films but they are not my go-to genre for entertainment” Morris admitted. “I am someone who has always had terrible nightmares and is afraid of the dark, even as an adult. But I have grown fonder of them. The Shining is one of my all time favorites.”