Movies ‘Replicas’ Trailer Shows Keanu Reeves Bringing Back His Dead Family Grief can be a terrible thing, and something that never truly goes away, and in the upcoming sci-fi thriller ‘Replicas’, Keanu Reeves is dealing... Anthony DiMoroNovember 23, 2018
Movies Keanu Reeves Brings Back Dead Family Members in ‘Replicas’ Jeffrey Nachmanoff’s ‘Replicas’ may remind you of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary, as one man tries to bring back loved ones from the dead. A... Anthony DiMoroSeptember 19, 2018
Movies Jennifer Garner Goes On A Brutal Rampage In ‘Peppermint’ For those of you who are big fans of the John Wick franchise, then the upcoming ‘Peppermint’ film will certainly catch your eye. Jennifer... Anthony DiMoroMay 31, 2018